Wednesday, January 31

Too much seeker sensitivity?

Here is what happens when the church tries to be all things to all people:

or this:

Saturday, January 20

Out Of the Zone

I had the unique opportunity to take part in a youth rally today for the Northern and Central California Regular Baptist Churches. Called "Out Of the Zone", the rally was a day focused on leaving one's comfort zone in order to see God at work in one's life and to motivate young people to serve God more fervently.

The rally has been organized by David Olson, a pastoral intern from Sunnyside Baptist Church in Fresno. David has done a great job, coordinating rallies in Anaheim last week, Walnut Creek this week and Redding next week.

Almost 50 teens attended the event today and enjoyed sessions taught by Pastor Russ Belmont of Concord, Pastor Dave Mulder of Los Gatos, David and yours truly.

I'm not sure how much information the teens carried away, but my heart was truly blessed, challenged and encouraged to see a large number of young people desiring to not only say they loved God but wanting to develop and grow in their service.

My prayer is that the teens in attendance today will remain "Out of the Zone" and not be comfortable being 'status quo'.

Wednesday, January 3

"Good enough" never is

Pat Robertson, host of the 700 Club, recently 'predicted' what God had told him would happen in 2007. This is nothing out of the ordinary for Mr. Robertson, who has made similar predictions in the past.

There is only one problem: not all of his 'prophecies' were fulfilled; a record that seems to be of no concern to Mr. Robertson. After all, he was close on the ones that he missed; isn't that good enough?

The simple answer is "NO." In fact, the longer answer is "Not on your life!" The longer answer brings longevity into the picture because God takes seriously the placement of His Name alongside the words of man. Deuteronomy 18:20 - 22 makes it quite clear how those claiming to speak on God's behalf about events yet to occur are to be treated if what is predicted does not come to pass. The way to evaluate such situations is to ask "Did it happen the way the prophet said it would?"

Flooding in Fishkill, NY, is a far cry from a tsunami. God takes His word seriously enough to fulfill it 100% of the time in 100% of the details He outlines. As in the rest of life, anything that does not meet God's standard is not worthy of consideration and is, in fact, sin.

But what shall be done with Mr. Robertson? Let's be clear: I am not calling for any violence or vigilantism against this man; but I am calling for accountability. I am calling him to cease and desist representing God in a manner that belittles the Almighty, humiliates His Word and embarrasses His people. I hope you would feel similarly.

An online petition has been created to call this false prophet to account for his misrepresentation of God's message. Read it; consider it; sign it if you feel you can do so in good conscience.

Oh yes, in case you were wondering, I expect each and every one of you to hold me to the same level of accountability, too.