Warning: You must be smart to read this!
Well, apparently it takes smarts to read my rantings and musings. According to The Blog Readability site, I blog at a postgraduate level. Sorry for the big words and not nearly enough pictures!
Thanks to Chris for pointing me to the site! Click on the picture and see at what level you blog.
Less than one year from now we should know the name of the next President of these United States. It seems that everyone is jumping on and off band-wagons with enough regularity that a pulled political hamstring is inevitable. Since Pat Robertson has offered his endorsement of Guiliani, and Bob Jones III has endorsed Romney, I thought it only prudent to let you, dear reader (and by that I mean YOU, Mom!), know who I am supporting for President.
But, before I do, I am sure many might be wondering about the legal implications of such a move. As the pastor of a church, might my opinion be construed as a "here's what my congregation better do if they know what's good for them" type statement? Trust me, we are NOT that kind of church. We only give THAT level of importance to God's Word, not the preacher's opinions. What I will state is my personal opinion and should be given no more weight than if I were the church janitor.
You should also know that I am not lock-step with the Republican party. I know, for an independent, Fundamental Baptist pastor that may be an oddity but it is the truth. As I look over the political scene for the upcoming Presidential election, there are many scenarios when my normal Republican voting tendencies would be violated based on the candidates.
So, without further ado, here is the person for whom I believe YOU should cast your vote next November:
You really thought I would tell you? Wow. I thought you knew me? Vote for the candidate (can't use "man" this cycle) you believe will best honor your values and priorities. Please do NOT vote for someone who seems "most electable" or "at least they aren't [the other party's candidate]" - have more integrity than that. Vote according to your conscience and sleep well knowing that even the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord. He will raise up whom He will; and can use even the best or worst candidate bring Him glory. You may not be able to claim to have voted for the "winner" but you will rest your head on the pillow at night knowing that your principles were not sacrificed on the altar of convenience.
Oh, and keep an eye on the former governor from Hope - the one who HASN'T lived in the White House . . . yet.