Friday, March 24

The Family Circle is Complete!

One of the joys of raising a family is watching them reach important milestones. Our family reached a very significant milestone today.

When the phone rings and the voice on the other end is your eldest son (7 years old), your heart tends to flutter - especially when he says "Brother needs to talk to you!" Oh no, what went wrong?

Imagine my joy to hear my youngest son (5 years old next month) report "Guess what, Dad? I just asked Jesus to forgive my sins and make me part of His family. I am a Christian now!"

It seems that my oldest has been praying for his younger brother. Today he asked "When are you going to become a Christian?" Younger sibling replied "When I am ready." causing his older brother to ask "Well, are you ready?" After a few moments thought, the answer came, "Yes, I am ready today!" So two small boys knelt at the side of their bunkbeds and soon found their mother. "Good news, Mom! Our family is all Christians now!"

Just when one thinks life cannot possibly get any better, God shows just how wonderful HE can make life.

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