Tuesday, May 27

2 Chronicles 1 - 3

Solomon begins his reign by leading the people in worship at the tabernacle, set up in Gibeon. That evening, God appears to Solomon and encourages Solomon to ask for anything he might desire. Solomon's request for wisdom pleases God, Who promises to give him wealth and honor as well. This promise is soon obviously fulfilled as Solomon's wealth begins to grow exponentially.

Solomon begins to assemble the workers at the site of the temple he has been commissioned to build. The descriptions of the materials and the ornateness of the building highlight the reverence the king has for his God.

One interesting facet in the temple construction: Solomon continually states he is building a "house for the name of the LORD my God" a very curious way of arranging words. Solomon later points out why he uses that particular phrase when he states that any house would only be for the sacrifices to his God, since "heaven, even highest heaven cannot contain him." Solomon's temple was not going to confine God to one space - rather it would draw attention to the One unconfined by time or space and direct those around to worship Him for His greatness.

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