Friday, December 19


Many are familiar with the story of Jonah.  Put briefly, Jonah, a prophet of God, is given orders to take a message of repentance to one of Israel's enemies.  Jonah refuses, God brings him (miraculously) to the point of obedience, Jonah preaches, the people respond favorably, God forgives, Jonah gets mad at God's mercy and then gets scolded for his own attitude.

So what is there "new" to say?  What can by highlighted today that hasn't been highlighted a thousand times over in flannelgraph, sermon and celluloid (thanks, BigIdea!)?

Jonah has an easy job - he has no control over the message, the response or the follow-up; yet, he balks.  It doesn't fit HIS liking, so he sets off on a course that leads only to his peril and destruction.  God's message is still delivered, His plan not thwarted at all.  But Jonah... It turns out the prophet has needs for repentance and change as well.

The question is, am I a Jonah?  Where are the tasks that I run away from what God has given me to complete?  Am I trying to fit God's work into my framework and my timetable and my sense of what is right?  OR am I willing to follow God's instructions no matter where they lead, even when they are not what I would naturally choose?

Oh, I know the "right" answer to give.  God, give me the strength to choose the right answer to live!

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