Wednesday, March 3

Deuteronomy 11 - 13

Moses addresses his comments to those who had first-hand experience with God's dealings, not to their children who had only heard accounts of what took place in Egypt.  This older generation was well aware of the seriousness nature of not obeying God Who had delivered them from their bondage.  If they would teach their children to obey and honor Him, great blessings would follow.  The responsibility lay with them as much as with God; would they choose to follow, serve and obey God?  Would they abandon all the false gods encountered along the way through the Promised Land?  Would they cease from their self-serving style of living to worship God with the totality of their lives?  Would they refuse to listen to those who claimed to speak for God while propagating a message of falsehood?  Quite simply, would they follow God singularly?

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