Thursday, August 5

Turning 28 today ...

No, I am not in denial about my age!  I am well aware of the fact that my chronological age adds another decade to the above total; yet today is what my friends have termed my "rebirth-day."  Twenty-eight years ago tonight, while attending summer camp in central Pennsylvania, a 10 year-old camper with a crew-cut admitted that God's provision of salvation was exactly what was needed to appropriate Christ's righteousness in place of my wretched sinfulness.  A student from Liberty College (now Liberty University) named John Michael Stover was present and instrumental in helping me understand not only the seriousness of my sin but the goodness and greatness of a holy God who offered Himself in my place.

There won't be any candles or cake to mark this day ... probably just this post.  But that day marked the beginning of a drastic change in my life - one that is continuing to this day and beyond.  Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul!  John, wherever you are, thank you for sharing the love of Christ with a bratty camp kid nicknamed "Fuzzy" - God is doing some interesting things with that boy.


Anonymous said...

i got saved when i was like 5 so i dont really remember when i got saved :) but i do kno that i believe in God and that Jesus came to save sinners and died and rose on the third day :) i kno that he's coming again and that the Holy Spirit lives and works in me :) hope that this day is a good one for you :) !!

Pastor Eldred said...

Remembering the exact day is not as important as knowing that there is indeed such a day. You are right, the proof of the day's existence is in what God is doing today through His Holy Spirit in you. The day was great, trust yours was too.