Wednesday, November 17

Luke 8 - 9

Jesus continued teaching and aiding those with whom He had contact.  His teaching style utilized parables - stories that communicated a deeper meaning than just the story line.  He illustrated the coming kingdom by telling stories about soil and lamps.  After calming a storm and expelling demons from a possessed man, he healed a woman and raised a dead girl to life.  There was no power natural or supernatural that posed a difficulty to Jesus' power.  Jesus dispersed His disciples to reach a larger audience, and fed a crowd of over 5,000 in the process.  He continued to lecture and instruct His disciples, teaching them about true discipleship and greatness.  He did begin to tell His followers about His soon-to-occur death, but those who heard Him were too distracted by all the wonders their eyes were seeing to fully grasp what they were being told.

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