Sunday, January 13

Genesis 31 - 32

Jacob cannot seem to stay out of trouble. He attempts to leave the land of his father-in-law and botches that; then attempts to reconcile with his brother Esau. Afraid of what his brother may do to him, he sends out a peace delegation which fails to impress Esau. Before the day can dawn when Jacob and Esau will reunite, Jacob spends the evening wrestling with an angel - demanding a blessing from him. Only at the end of the match - early the next morning - does Jacob learn that he spent the match wrestling with God Himself.

How often do I do that - spend all my energy fighting against that which cannot be defeated or changed, a holy God?


Gracesdad said...

my favorite part is that he ends broken, yet blessed and healed. And he ends not Jacob but given a new name.

Pastor Eldred said...

Amen! What a comfort and encouragement that hold out to us!