Saturday, July 26

Psalm 40 - 42

In Psalm 40, David recounts the blessings that come to the one trusting in God. The one in such a condition is secure, protected, and blessed with the knowledge that God hears and is concerned for him. Because of this trust, God holds a dear place in the heart of the psalmist - in fact, it is the place of primary importance.

Psalm 41 lists further blessings of the one trusting God. His name and reputation live on, unlike the wicked who are soon forgotten and not fondly remembered. The best legacy a person can leave, according to the psalm, is that he followed and feared God.

Psalm 42 describes the longing of the psalmist's soul for God's presence and blessing. He compares his desire to a wild deer panting for a stream of water. Life depends on this resource. When God is one's delight, disappointment is driven away and delight is found despite circumstances.

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