Tuesday, September 2

Psalm 137 - 139

Psalm 137, written after the exile of Judah to Babylon, recounts the lack of joy experienced by the nation; and their longing to return to the land of God's favor. Apart from God's presence, there is no joy. Their captors tried to persuade a joyful song from the Jews, but their source of strength and joy was removed from them. How they longed for the full experience of God's presence.

David expresses the joy found in God's goodness in Psalm 138. God demonstrates His sustaining ability and His strengthening presence to His people. These displays cause other nations to take note, and eventually these nations will turn their voices to praise of the God of Israel.

In the 139th Psalm, David makes a hymn of praise concerning God's knowledge of His creation. God knows man better than man knows himself. God knows our thoughts, intentions, words and actions even before they are formed. His presence is everywhere; and no one can escape His watchful eye. His power forms the unborn in a manner that is wonderful to consider. Not one characteristic is misplaced with God as the Designer. David ends this song with a plea for God to direct His presence, knowledge and power toward his heart. David submits to an honest evaluation at the hands of his Creator; so that he will follow God lovingly and correctly throughout his life.

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