Sunday, November 16

Ezekiel 3 - 4

Ezekiel is given strict instructions on how to deliver the messages he recieves from the Lord.  When a message is to be given, Ezekiel will have freedom to speak.  When there is no message, Ezekiel will be unable to speak clearly to the nation.  His duties are those of a watchman - to give words of warning for the impending destruction that is coming.

Ezekiel was to construct a replica of the city of Jerusalem and lay seige against it for 390 days while laying on his left side, and for 40 days while laying on his right side.  During this time, Ezekiel would eat bread baked over a fire fueled by cow dung.  All this would be a sign to the nation of God's treatment of the nation, one year for every day Ezekiel lay on his side.

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