Tuesday, April 28

Luke 20:1 - 26

Jesus' authority is questioned by those in leadership of Israel.  When Jesus answers their question with a question about John's baptism, they are afraid to answer and refuse to do so - lest they turn public opinion against themselves by their answer.  Jesus then refuses to answer their question plainly.  He does, however, give them clues to the answer by relating the story of a vineyard owner whose servants are beaten when they try to accomplish the master's work.  Finally, the son is sent and killed, in hopes that the inheritance will fall to the workers.  The owner would not do such a thing; he would wreak judgment on those who murdered his son.  Through this parable, Jesus instructs His listeners that He has been sent by God to do what must be done - and they will pay the consequences for mistreating Him.  The listeners attempt to trick Him in His words by asking Him about paying taxes.  Jesus' response is classic:  give to the government that which they rightfully own and give to God what He rightfully owns.

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