Sunday, September 13

2 Corinthians 6

The Corinthians were well aware of Paul's circumstances. He had faced various quandries and numerous difficulties. They were reminded at each remembrance of Paul's ministry that the task of ministering the gospel comes at a great cost. Because of this, they could not afford to be partnered with those whose goals ran counter to the goals of the gospel. Being unequally yoked would only lead to frustration and destruction.


Anonymous said...

Pastor, I had been taught that the unequally yoked refered to marriage but the verse appears to refer equally to fellowship. How does that break out?
Steve Bostwicki

Pastor Eldred said...

Steve, sorry to take so long to see the comment and respond!

While the passage has a direct application to the marriage relationship, there are also applications to be made for other relationships. Those with whom we most closely ally will, by the teaching of this passage, be reflective of the relationship we have with God. This is not to say "Don't have any friends that don't believe exactly as you do", but rather "Make sure your closest friends and associates reflect your values as well as your interests."

Hope that helps!