Thursday, November 10

But they are . . .

How many times have I heard from either my children or the children of others "But they are / were ..."? It is easy to validate one's actions by comparing them to anyone OBVIOUSLY 'worse' than one's self. But when the measuring standard is God's holiness, who really measures up?

What does it say about God when He takes someone 'doing worse things than I' and uses them to correct me? Is this a demonstration of some divine masochistic delight? Hardly. When God chooses to use anyone - be they 'good', 'bad', or 'ugly' - it is His sovereign choice to do so. None of us merit anything of worth from Him.

The next time I need to be corrected, may I have the right attitude: one that praises God for loving me enough to correct me; and not the attitude that criticizes and argues about the agent He uses to correct me.

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