Wednesday, July 26

Summer Camp Summary

I really need to do a better job of keeping the blog updated! More news on that front later. For the last week (July 17 - 22) I have been blessed to have been at Pilot Lake Regular Baptist Camp as part of the annual Teen Camp activities. What follows is a summary of our week.

Monday: Denise and I left Hayward early and arrived at camp by 1 PM. We had a wonderful time travelling together to camp for the first time ever. In previous years we have either not gone together or have travelled in separate vehicles. God provided great travelling conditions and as we pulled into the camp 'driveway' (1.5 miles of bumpy dirt road) I felt the feeling in the pit of my stomach that I only feel when arriving at my parents' home in PA. I looked my wife square in the eye and said "Honey, now I know it's summer. We're at camp. We're home!" A great time of reunion was had as we settled into our accomodations (lodge for me, a cabin as girl's counselor for Denise) and visited with the arriving campers. Added blessing: our attendance this year was higher than expected (92) but God provided sleeping places for all. It was especially good to see the group from our former church ministry arrive. I had the privilege of speaking Monday night on the topic of "Our Response to the Light" from John 6. I tried to set the tone for the week by reminding the teens that when God's word is preached it is not to be passed on, or played with, but to be personalized. All went to bed anticipating an exciting week.

Tuesday: Tuesday was spent preparing for the annual cardboard boat race. This year's entries all had a common theme: they turned into submarines very quickly after leaving shore. But the campers were troopers, and earned points for their teams by swimming with their sodden boats trailing behind them! Tuesday night I spoke on "The Difference Jesus Makes" to the sinful and the searching from John 8. Music this year was expertly handled by Rick and Mick Vigneulle.

The week definitely got exciting early Wednesday morning! It seems that a curious bear decided to make the rounds of the woods surrounding the camp facility and couldn't help but notice that lots of food seemed to be stored in the cabins. As God would have it, the Camp Dean, Jon Cook, was in the right place at the right time to prevent any close encounters between the campers and nature! After rounding up almost 25# of snack food from the cabins, the night progressed without incident. The camp nurse is also getting a work-out! With so many campers, the bumps and bruises customary to camp seem to be in large number; but they are not out of the ordinary. A first-aid / CPR class was held on Tuesday; several of us have put our first-aid skills to good use already! I spoke this evening on "The Marks of Genuine Disciples" from John 8:31 - 59.

Thursday: What a day this turned out to be! I don't recall many of the events of the day because of the amazing service we had in the evening. After speaking on "When the Light Shines" from John 9, Pastor Roger McCarty from First Baptist Community Church shared a brief presentation on the brevity of life and the seriousness of eternity using photographs from the December 26 Indonesian tsunami. The response to the invitation was overwhelming to say the least, as teens seemed to seriously grasp the fact that long life was not guaranteed to them. Many decisions were made. Oh, the bear was sighted again on the property adjoining the camp; but we were nowhere near the area - we were doing business with God!

Friday: Last day of camp already? I had the extreme pleasurable opportunity to fill in for game director Ben Lunsford by leading the teens in a 4-way Steal the Bacon competition! Lots of fun for everyone! I spoke on "The Good Shepherd" from John 10 in the evening service and highlighted the fact that when camp is over the lessons are meant to remain. After having spent a week listening intently to the voice of the Good Shepherd, why go home and be distracted by all that was left behind? The campfire service was an excellent time of testimony and sharing of what God had done in lives.

Saturday: We packed up and headed home. It was good to pull into our own driveway (although it was very HOT here in the Bay Area) and be home. we already miss our new friends; but are praying that the work God did in lives will continue to bear fruit for His glory.

Thanks: I wanted to be sure to thank all the folks that made camp such a wonderful experience. Several were already mentioned, but to make sure no one is left out: David & Lorilynne Steenfott and Bill & Sharon Cleveland provided childcare for our boys while Denise and I were at camp. Thanks are due to them in great quantities; without them our ministry would not have been possible! Jon Cook did a great job leading the camp. Tom and Kate Veneman were their usual wonderful selves and made us feel welcome at their camp facility. The kitchen staff did an excellent job keeping us well fed and satisfied. The Counsellors (Josh, Nicole, Aaron, Denise, Tiger, Loetta, Ryan, Tim, Anita, Gloria, Ben) were great examples to the young people and tirelessly gave of themselves to provide an enjoyable camping experience. Ben Lunsford did a terrific job leading the games; a duty he did not expect but ably performed. The Speakers (Gary Barker, Craig Morrison, Roger McCarty, Mark Worrell, Denise Eldred and Ben Lunsford) used great skill to communicate God's word in a way that teens could grasp. The Safety Crew (Nurses Frank, Anita and Carmen, as well as Lifeguards Kyle and Andrea) kept us safe while having fun. Our Musicians (Rick and Mick, and Rick's son Brandon) provided top-notch music that drew our hearts into focus on God's Word. Last, but certainly not least, the campers (sorry, no list of all 92 names) gave us a reason to gather together.

I look forward to next year's camping season (July 16 - 21) already!

Oh, I promised news about keeping up to date a little better. Monday saw the addition of a new laptop to our family. This replaces the one my sons "experimented" with in February. We'll see how this helps me stay more connected to cyberspace!

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