Thursday, August 3

Preparing to post

Nothing is more frustrating for me than to finally carve out some time to post and then have everything that I wanted to post about suddenly leave my mind. Oh, I know WHAT I wanted to post, but all the great points I was plannng to make have taken flight from my feeble cranium.

So without additional comment, here are the thoughts tickling my mind recently:
  • "Faithfulness in following Jesus [is] progressively closing the gap between who we really are and who Jesus really is - not the fictional Jesus who is conveniently adjusted to our behavior, but one before whom every knee shall one day bow." - Glenn McDonald, The Deliberate Church.
  • When Jesus chooses, calls, and converts a person, they are given great value, but not immunity from the attacks of the world.
  • "Who ever had reason to hate Jesus? Whom has he injured? What evil has He ever said or thought?" - Albert Barnes on John 15.
  • "The greatest danger a follower of Jesus ever faces is not death but apostasy." - D.A. Carson on John 16.

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