Wednesday, October 4

A Time to Celebrate

Sunday, October 1, 1955 marked the beginning of a new venture in the Fairway Park community. Led by former lawman Elliott Paulsen, a group from Melrose Baptist Church in Oakland held the first church service of the newly christened Fairway Park Baptist Church.

Sunday, October 1, 2006 marked the 51st anniversary of God's work here in Fairway Park. Almost 100 members, former members, friends and loved ones gathered to rejoice in the faithfulness of God over the past half-century plus one year. Greetings were extended from former pastor Andrew Paz, and a time of celebration was held at the communion table as we remembered the work of One on behalf of us all that gave us a reason to meet together for the last 51 years.

Psalm 138 , a Celebration of Praise, was the focus of our consideration Sunday morning. David's praise was set before us as the example for our own rejoicing. We were encouraged to rejoice with Courageous Praise, reminded of a coming day of Corporate Praise, and emboldened with a Confident Praise knowing God would accomplish His purpose in our lives and ministry.

A joyous time of feasting was planned, but first . . . a business meeting. What place does a church business meeting have on Homecoming Anniversary Sunday? Well, there was a small financial matter to consider. WHAT!? Discussing finances on Homecoming Sunday?! You MUST be new to this!

Thank you, are you quite finished? Feel better now? Need a glass of water to calm your nerves? Maybe a moment to offer silent prayer on behalf of this freshman pastor? Allow me to continue.

Our business meeting was to discuss how we would allocate funds that God has graciously and wonderfully provdied for our church - over and above our budgeted projections. In fact, not only will these funds erase a deficit in our budget, but will allow us to have funds left over. See how this all fits into the theme of "rejoicing"?

One issue involved making final payment on some outstanding debts owed to members of our own church family. These payments were scheduled to be completed July 2008; but God made it possible for us to complete payment by July 2007! What a time of celebration it was to hear a hearty AYE in favor of the proposal. The motion was carried unanimously to pay off our debt early!

But wait, there's more. God, in His gracious and all-wise provision, allowed the funds to come in just the right timing that immediately after passing the motion to pay off those outstanding debts, the final checks were handed to the owed parties and we burned the promissory notes in celebration!

As the flames consumed the last remnants of our now-paid debts, my heart was consumed with praise and thanksgiving. The song burst from my lips "To God by the glory, great things He hath done!" and the congregation joined in full voice. "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice!"

What a way to celebrate God's faithfulness and goodness to us these past 51 years. What a way to begin our next year of service to Him!

1 comment:

Mrs.A said...


I am a 1974 graduate of American Heritage Christian School. The photos of Pastor Paulsen and the round window behind him in the chapel bring back special memories.

My mom, Gladys Walker, was the school secretary from 1970-1981. She and my dad now live in central Iowa, nearby my husband and I. I teach school at Ames Christian School.

Please say hello from us to any of your church members who may have been at FPBC in the AHCS era. Feel free to drop a line on my blog, Over the Edge.

God bless you.