Sunday, February 3

Exodus 31 - 33

God finishes giving instruction for the building of the tabernacle; and He appoints several men by name. How wonderful! God not only gives us talents, but knows us and our talents so well, He can match up specific tasks with specific people!

While Moses is on the mountain receiving all this instruction, his brother, Aaron, is leading the people. The problem is that Aaron is leading via the model "give 'em what they want" and when they want to replace Moses with a leader they can see . . . trouble ensues. Aaron casts an idol out of donated gold and declares that THIS is what has lead them out of Egypt. The celebration that takes place is a heated frenzy of debauchery that is suddenly halted by Moses' return from the presence of God and the swift judgment of their rebellious idolatry.

Moses pleads with God to spare His people for the sake of His reputation. This passage closes with Moses' appeal for God to show Himself to Moses, a request that God states He will grant.

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