Wednesday, July 23

Psalm 33 - 34

The psalmist of Psalm 33 praises God for His goodness in creation. His works are marvelous and right; His ways are perfect and just; His plans are spot-on and well-timed. He considers the entirety of events, not just one point in time. All that He does is worthy of praise. What is more, with such an eye for detail and the broad scope of creation - He still has time to consider individuals and interact with them. What a magnificent God!

Psalm 34 was penned by David during a time in his life when his future was uncertain, yet God intervened and delivered him. Thus David's praise is directed to God's ability to hear and answer prayer. He brags on God's mercy and great power. He informs his listeners that God is capable of hearing and answering prayer. He invites others to see just how splendid his God is in their own lives. He tells any who will listen about God's goodness in his life; and conveys a sense of awe that such a God would consider assisting Him.

Today, I need to see that mighty God at work in my life. Will my response be the same as the king's?

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