Wednesday, November 26

Ezekiel 27 - 29

The Lord singles out the city of Tyre and the nation of Egypt; and He lays out His reasons for their punishment.  Tyre has vainly boasted in her beauty and opulence.  The pedigree of her citizens was enviable and her allies were top caliber.  Yet, these allies and business partners will stand in awe at the destruction God brings to the city.  A special message of judgment comes to the king of Tyre.  Because of his boastfulness and pride, he would be cast down.  Strangers would come from outside his kingdom and overthrow him.  The source of his wickedness was Satan himself.  God depicts the fall of Satan in this passage - and it is a definite fall from grace and favor to the depths of destruction.  And yet, once again, in the midst of the messages of punishment and judgment, God states that He will show mercy to those whom He chooses to favor - especially the nation of Israel.

Egypt is also singled out for a proclamation from God out of Ezekiel's mouth.  God would bring destruction to Egypt to demonstrate that God alone reigns in the universe and He controls nations and rulers.  Specific mention is made that Babylon will invade and overthrow Egypt, again to demonstrate that God is the Universe's Sovereign.

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