Tuesday, November 18

Ezekiel 8 - 10

Ezekiel is given a vision of what is taking place within the spiritual leaders of the nation.  While they are putting forth a holy front, their hearts are worshipping false gods and their actions encourage the very behaviors God has commanded ought not to be done.  An angel was given the task of marking those who were grieved over the sin of the nation.  Others were given the duty of passing throughout the city and slaying all who did not possess the mark of abhorrance over sin.  Ezekiel asks God to spare the lives of those remaining in the city; but God declares that He will repay these sinful people for their deeds.  Ezekiel then sees a vision of a great chariot filled with the presence of God departing the temple.  The structure that for years had been called "the house of the Lord" was now left desolate of that abiding presence.  The building that had housed the physical manifestation of God's glory was now empty spiritually.  I wonder if anyone in addition to Ezekiel noticed?

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