Friday, February 27

Mark 6:1 - 29

The reactions to Jesus were never mild; people either loved Him or hated Him.  In His hometown of Nazareth, He was unable to have a productive ministry due to the fact that many people associated Him with His family and would not afford Him enough credibility to earn their attention.  For this reason, Jesus did not have a large impact on the region of Nazareth.  He did send out His followers in 6 groups of 2, so that they could exponentially spread His message and power.  In His instructions to them, Jesus warned His followers that they would also receive similar reactions to the ones He had received.  During this time, King Herod heard of Jesus and became convinced that it was a resurrected John the Baptist (a cousin of Jesus) whom he had beheaded to please the daughter of his illegitimately married wife.  No one had a mild response to Jesus!

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