Thursday, December 24

Just a few words ...

As I type this, it is the day before Christmas.  Many will take time over the next 72 hours to reconnect with family, friends, loved ones and perhaps even strangers to share a meal, gifts or other pleasantries.  I know I am not the first nor last, so let me be the next to wish you a very merry and safe Christmas.  I trust you will also take time to assess your relationship with the One whose birth is commemorated.  Jesus was born so that His life, death and resurrection might be the perfect substitute for the rightly deserved penalty we each owe God for our sin.  The birth of One so great deserves remembering!

I trust you will also spend time at least considering those less fortunate this season.  Whether their situation is due to job loss, poor choices, addictions, evictions, death, disease or some other factor, may yours be a hand reached out in love and not drawn back in disgust or trepidity.  Both you and the one you contact will be better for the encounter!

Merry Christmas!  When the new year begins, the daily walk through the Bible will continue.  2010 will progress through the entire Bible in one year by taking a historical path - reading the books in the order they were written.

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