Thursday, December 10

Revelation 1

The last book of the Bible begins with the statement that the events described "must shortly take place."  As in most prophetic writing, 'shortly' is a relative term.  To be sure, there were events that did take place during the surrounding years of the book's being written; other events are still in the future some 19 centuries later.  The blessing promised to those who hear and follow the instructions is still available today.

John writes primarily to seven churches throughout Asia Minor.  These cities radiate from the metropolis of Ephesus and form a circle throughout the region.  More important than the location of the churches is the One Who addresses them - the Alpha and Omega (we would say today the "be all and end all").  Jesus Himself addresses John during his exile on the island of Patmos.  John sees Jesus in His transfigured glory and receives a message to these seven churches.

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