Saturday, December 6

Daniel 3 - 4

King Nebuchadnezzar was impressed at the image seen in his dream, and the interpretation that the golden head represented his superior kingdom.  To "commemorate" this dream, he had a large likeness of himself made - entirely of gold (to symbolize his long-lived kingdom) - and had everyone in the land bow down and worship it under penalty of death by burning.  Three notable community leaders refused to pay homage to the statue, namely Daniel's friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  They were thrown into the furnace, yet God preserved them and spoke to the King's heart about who the real authority and power figure was.  Nebuchadnezzar was still a proud man; God had to uniquely humble him by taking away his sanity for a period of time until he would recognize that God Himself was the only source of power.

Kind of makes you wonder:  The flames of the furnace wouldn't stop Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah from obeying God, so why does it take so little to distract me?

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