Wednesday, December 24


Habakkuk asks God the question "How long must we endure problems, and You don't seem to hear us or care about us?"  God's reply is to watch the surrounding nations and be amazed at what He will do.  God is about to raise up the Chaldeans to power and it will all be at the Lord's doing.  Habakkuk then questions God about how He can use a wicked nation like the Chaldeans.  God's response is beautiful in its simplicity and far-reaching in its scope.  Simply put, God states that since He is on the Universe's Throne, He may do whatsoever He wishes AND it will be good and bring glory to Him for doing it.  He even receives glory when wicked nations do what He bids them do.  Habakkuk realizes the omnipotence of God and it motivates him to reflect on God's greatness.  His conclusion is that no matter what happens - good times, bad times, poor economic situation, or times of plenty - he will find his joy in the God Who does all things well.

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