Tuesday, June 3

2 Chronicles 19 - 20

Jehoshaphat continues his reign in Jerusalem. He reminds the leaders and court officials that they are not to make decisions based on their own preferences; but that they represent God in their judgments. (A good principle to remember here in California where it is election day for local officials.)

An alliance comes against Jehoshaphat from Moab, Ammon and Assyria. The king, at a loss of what to do, gathers the people for a public prayer meeting. God speaks and reminds the people that He will deliver; they need to merely be in place to see it happen. The battle begins and God sets an ambush so that the enemy forces destroy one another. The spoil is so great from this invading army that it takes Israel 3 days to gather the spoil. The news of this victory garners peace for the rest of Jehoshaphat's 25-year reign.

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