Monday, June 30

Job 17 - 19

Job's lament continues. He reminds his friends that they have been of no real comfort; for while their words were true, they did not apply to his situation. Job's only hope was for God to take his life as well and end his suffering. Even in that, his friends would read the wrong interpretation.

Bildad responds that the wicked know no peace. They have no rest - even in death. Job is invited to 'come clean' and repent of the sin that has brought this calamity upon him. No matter what the sin may be; Job can still find forgiveness.

Job's response is unchanged. He asks how long these friends will continue their line of argument; he again states his innocence. All around him have failed - his servants, his children, his friends, and his relatives. Yet, in the midst of this Job knows that his Redeemer still lives and he will see Him at the end of his days. Job has not given up hope in God's goodness!

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