Monday, June 16

Nehemiah 4 - 6

Nehemiah continues the work of rebuilding the defenses of the city of Jerusalem. The walls, gates and infrastructure of the city slowly begin to take shape. Meanwhile, the enemies around Jerusalem try their hardest to distract and discourage those who are doing the work. Nehemiah sets a wonderful example of leadership and wisdom by taking every matter seriously, addressing every matter in a timely fashion, but - most importantly - taking every matter to God in prayer first. Over and again, he is a man of constant prayer.

Nehemiah addresses an important issue facing the nation. Too many were becoming indebted to their fellow citizens because of high interest rates. Nehemiah lays out the problem to the leaders, and they agree to withdraw their exorbitant charges. The nation is soon prospering financially and emotionally as a result.

With the walls and gates completed, the nations around Jerusalem are filled with fear. It is obvious that God is blessing His people once again.

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