Tuesday, August 5

... and now, for something completely different ...

Today marks an important day in the life of this author. August 5, 1982 was the day God's plan of salvation became clear to my mind and heart. Today marks the 26th anniversary of my surrender to God's plan for my life, and is the day my total dependence on His mercy, love and forgiveness began. God used several mighty influences to bring me to that decision - godly parents, concerned teachers, faithful pastors, a loving camp counselor (John Stover) to name a few - but the mightiest influence of all was His Word being ministered to my heart by His Holy Spirit. I was thoroughly convinced that nothing was good enough for God's standards unless God performed it Himself, and that's exactly what He did through His Son, Jesus Christ. I just wanted to remind my Father that I haven't forgotten the significance of this day.

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