Tuesday, August 12

Psalm 84 - 86

Psalm 84 describes the joy and blessedness of God's presence. This presence is displayed in the temple - a place where the author would rather spend one day than 1,000 anywhere else. That is an incredible thought. Would I be willing to spend just one day alone with God, or would I trade it for an almost 3 year vacation? I know what the answer should be; I need God to work on my heart so that my perception sees the right answer as the only option.

Psalms 85 and 86 ask for God's mercy and forgiveness to be displayed in restoration. God is called upon because He has proven Himself able to hear and answer. His blessings endure, His favor is preferable, His works are great and His compassion is enveloping. The psalmists ask for God's favor and blessing, not so that they will be proven right; but that God would be seen as glorious.

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