Friday, August 15

Psalm 91 - 93

Think of the safest place you can. What describes it? Fortress? Refuge? Shelter? These are all terms used to describe the presence of God. Psalm 91 outlines the safety and security found in God's abiding presence. Fear is removed as one's heart is calmed in the midst of storms all about. Sometimes, even the storms calm! The peace and comfort comes from knowing God hears when one cries out to Him in times of trouble.

When you receive a promotion, are affirmed in your tasks, when told "You matter" - how do you react? The psalmist turns even times of rest and promotion into songs of praise for God's goodness. No matter how high one climbs the ladder of success (of if one climbs it at all) God is the One providing the strength, endurance and ability needed. The psalmist records praise to God for His strengthening and sustaining power.

Listen to the crashing of the ocean waves. The psalmist points out that even that cacophony of sound is praise to the God who created it. His rule is majestic, His reign is eternal, His word is sure and unbroken. He lives forever!

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