Monday, April 19

1 Kings 18 - 20

God sends Elijah to king Ahab (in Israel) after the drought had continued for three years.  Elijah summoned the priests of Ba'al to a showdown of sorts on Mount Carmel.  Two sacrifices were prepared and the god Ba'al was petitioned to consume his sacrifice.  When the priests failed to produce the requisite fire, Elijah proved decidedly that Jehovah was the one true God.  The drought then ended, proving that God was able to answer Elijah's prayers.
Queen Jezebel sought to destroy Elijah (who had put her priests of Ba'al to death) but Elijah escaped.  Elijah then commissions a young man named Elisha to train under him and to succeed him.
King Ahab defeats the Samarians, but not entirely.  God pronounces judgment on the king for his disobedience.

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