Tuesday, April 20

1 Kings 21 - 22

King Ahab (king in Israel) attempts to use his position as king to take a neighbor's property as his own.  His wife Jezebel - yes, the lady who made that name into a descriptive one - stooped to lies and murder to achieve the land.  As punishment, Ahab was sentenced by God to die and his family eliminated.  His wife would be killed and the family legacy ended and tarnished for all history.  Ahab repented at this news and God promised to not fulfill all His promises immediately - but it would take place during the lifetime of his son.  Soon Ahab sought to go to battle against Syria and forged an alliance with the nation of Judah to wage war.  Ahab is warned by a prophet that if he goes into battle he will die.  Ahab, rather than heed God's warning, goes into battle in disguise. A warrior, not knowing he was aiming at the king of Israel, successfully slays the disguised monarch who returns home and dies exactly as God promised he would.  Ahab's son, Ahaziah, reigns in succession of his father.  In Judah, the good king Jehoshaphat rules and is followed by his son, Jehoram.

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