Thursday, April 15

1 Kings 8 - 9

Solomon continued furnishing the temple by bringing the Ark of the Covenant into the temple site.  This article had traveled with the nation since their days in the desert after leaving Egypt.  The symbol of God's presence with them now had a permanent home in the temple.  When the Ark reached its place, God's presence filled the building in such amount that the priests could not continue ministering due to the undiluted presence of God's glory.  Solomon dedicates the temple to the Lord, and consecrates the people to the temple.  He reminds the people of their responsibilities to worship God alone and seek God's forgiveness when they sin.  At the conclusion of the formal dedication of the temple, a 14-day feast was held.  God appeared again to Solomon and promised to bless his descendants if he would walk before God as his father David had.  Solomon continued to prosper in his endeavors.

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