Wednesday, June 16

Hosea 8 - 14

Israel had left the One who loved them, so they would be judged and punished for their errors.  Over and over God had demonstrated His great ability to provide for His people, yet they refused to follow His commands and obey His voice.  They preferred to follow after the other gods of the neighboring nations and found that no real satisfaction was ever found.  God removed their leadership, sent them into captivity and still they refused to see their error.  They would rather die thinking they were right than admit God was correct and live.  In spite of this, God continued to demonstrate His love toward His chosen people.  It certainly was not because they were loving or lovable; it was to show His greatness in love, patience and perseverance.  In His love, God would punish the sins of the people until they repented, then He would carefully, lovingly and fully restore them to their former place of prominence.

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