Tuesday, June 22

Nahum, Habakkuk 1 - 3

Nahum brings a message to the city of Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian empire.  They had repented under the preaching of Jonah; but had returned to their sinful ways.  God would not allow them to make a mockery of His merciful graciousness, and judgment would come to them.  Their nation would be completely destroyed and the nation of Israel would be completely restored.  While these events would not happen simultaneously, they would occur.  The destruction would occur because Nineveh had turned themselves against God; and none can ever stand in opposition to Him for too long.

Habakkuk, bringing his messages during the fall of the Assyrian Empire and the rise of the Babylonian Empire, asks the Lord how long His patience will endure.  Habakkuk had seen much injustice done to God's people and was eager to see those wrongs made right.  God's reply is simple:  within your lifetime events will occur that you would never have imagined, and it will point to God's great power.  God would raise up the Babylonians to punish the Assyrians.  Habakkuk wonders why God would use one ungodly nation to punish another; and is told that those who love and trust the Lord will live with faith that God will do all things rightly.  The wicked would not prosper and righteousness would prevail.  Habakkuk asks God to do all that He has determined to do, knowing that God will do what is right and that God can be trusted regardless of circumstances.

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