Wednesday, June 23

Zephaniah, Haggai

Zephaniah, a descendant of King Hezekiah, delivered a message from God during the reign of King Josiah.  God's message was one of coming judgment.  A day was coming in which everything would be consumed by His wrath and judgment.  God would search out those who feared Him and spare them from the destruction that would face all others.  He graciously calls people to repentance and safety, stating that no place will provide refuge.  His own people have behaved wickedly and will be punished.  However, the faithful remnant would be restored and protected from harm.  While other nations feel God's wrath, His people will only hear God's voice singing lovingly to them.

Haggai delivers a message to those who have returned from exile.  The people had decided that their houses were more important to build than rebuilding the temple.  God invited them to reconsider this decision so that their land would return to a state of fruitfulness.  God encouraged His people to not despair.  While the rebuilt temple was not as magnificent as the previous one, God's presence was still with His people.  The people, unclean through their sinful practices, were encouraged to return to the Lord's favor and seek His forgiveness.  Zerubbabel was specially chosen as God's designated representative.

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