Tuesday, October 26

Matthew 1 - 7

Matthew begins his biography of Jesus by giving his genealogy, proving Him to be the Son of David and Son of Abraham.  His birth account was in keeping with the predictions made centuries ago by the prophet Isaiah, and was attested to by the appearance of the wise men soon after His birth.  Escaping the murderous plot of King Herod by fleeing to Egypt (again, in fulfillment of prophesy), Jesus grew up in the Galilean town of Nazareth.  During that time, a prophet named John began preaching a message of repentance in connection with Isaiah's prophecies of the voice in the wilderness preparing the way for the Lord.  Jesus was baptized by John and tempted by Satan before beginning His public ministry in and around Israel.  The message He preached was the same as John's:  repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  After calling a group of disciples to Himself, He began teaching in Galilee.  His teaching - which carried more authority to His hearers than the teachings of the priests and Pharisees - centered upon the proper application of God's laws to not only a person's actions, but their attitudes as well.

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