Wednesday, October 27

Matthew 8 - 9

After delivering His sermon on the mountain, Jesus began demonstrating His power not only to teach but to heal.  He healed a leper, a centurion's son, and Peter's mother-in-law - proving His power was not limited by diagnosis, distance or disease.  His power over the elements of nature was also displayed as He calmed a storm that frightened even the seasoned sailors of the company.  His power over supernatural elements was shown as He cast demons out of a possessed man and into a herd of swine.  His power over sin was proven as He healed a paralyzed man.  Indeed it would have been easier to say nothing about his physical condition, but Jesus healed him to show that He also had power to heal spiritually.  Jesus was in the restoration business!  He restored health, He restored life, He restored sight, He restored speech, He restored purpose and dignity to a member of the lowest social stratus.  Above all, He restored hope and trust in His Father and encouraged others to serve the Father as well.

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