Thursday, March 13

Deuteronomy 19 - 21

The children of Israel continued to plan for their eventual inhabitation of the land promised to them by God. He commanded them to designate "Cities of Refuge" so that the one innocent of another's death could flee there to have his case heard before the family members of the deceased took his life in vengeance.

Regulations for military service were specified. Those who had recently married, planted a vineyard, built a house and were afraid were allowed to withdraw from service. There were even guidelines given regarding which trees could be used in attacking a city; fruit trees were not to be used, as they would provide sustenance for the attackers.

Family obligations are also outlined. Unsolved murders were to be atoned through a sacrifice by the elders of the city closest to the discovered death. Female captives from battle could be taken as a wife after a proper period of mourning was observed. The rebellious child was to be severely dealt with - stoned to death by the elders of the city. Those guilty of crimes punishable by death would be executed by hanging.

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