Tuesday, March 4

Numbers 29 - 31

The offerings for the various feasts in Israel's national calendar are outlined, specifically for the feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Fest of Tabernacles. After this, guidelines are given for the giving and keeping of vows - solemn promises that would be kept regardless of how the covenanting parties felt afterwards.

The passage concludes with an account of the battle with Midian. 1,000 men from each tribe (12,000 in all) went out in battle against the five kings of the Midian region. Total victory was obtained by the Israelites. Not a man was lost in the battle. Notable among the fallen of Midian was the prophet Balaam who had given advice to Balak to have his women intermarry into the Jewish population. Moses is told by God that after this battle concludes, his life will shortly come to an end.

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