Tuesday, March 18

Deuteronomy 32 - 34

Moses sings a song of God's blessing and favor on Israel. He calls on God to remember His promises to the nation; and calls on Israel to keep the covenants they have sworn with God. The successor to his leadership, Joshua, is present to hear all that has been promised by both parties so that he may effectively serve the people in the future.

God then informs Moses that his time on earth is drawing to a close. Moses pronounces a blessing on the tribes of Israel, then retires to Mount Nebo on the outskirts of Moab - very close to the border of the land promised Abraham's descendants. From this mountain peak, God gives Moses a view of the fulfillment of His promises to the nation. Moses is able to see from afar all that God will give to the nation He has chosen to favor. Moses then dies at the age of 120; Scripture indicates that even at that advanced age, his strength and capabilities were not diminished. God had preserved his health and strength throughout his entire life.

Joshua takes the mantle of responsibility for leading the nation. He faced a great task: following the tenure of one who had no equal. Would Joshua meet the task?

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