Thursday, March 20

Joshua 4 - 6

As the tribes passed through the Jordan River bed, one man from each tribe was selected to bring out of the river bed a boulder with which to construct an altar commemorating the amazing feat God had accomplished.

They were now in enemy territory. What took place next was not typical or usual. The nation's males were circumcised; and then celebrated the Passover. What other army would march into enemy land, make themselves medically unfit for combat and throw a celebration? We are told the effect this had on the neighboring kingdoms: they were in fear and dread of what would happen next.

Next was the conquest of Jericho, again by extraordinary means. Marching around the city once a day for 6 days, then 7 circuits on the seventh day followed by a shout seems like an unusual way to defeat an enemy. But God did it! The walls fell in on the city and the occupants were killed - except for Rahab and her family, as the spies had promised her safety.

Was there anything that could stop this nation? There was; their greatest enemy was about to be faced.

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