Tuesday, April 15

1 Samuel 27 - 29

David determines that he is safer among his enemies than in the same country as Saul. He removes himself and his troops to the city of Gath (Goliath's hometown). From this city he conducts raids against the Philistines, but leaves no one alive to inform the Philistine king that someone from within their own borders is attacking them.

The Philistines amass an army against Israel. Saul, troubled at what this might signal, consults a medium to communicate with the dead judge Samuel. God is no longer listening or responding to Saul's prayers or inquiries. Samuel informs Saul that the battle will be lost and he and his sons - the royal family will be killed the following day.

Meanwhile, the Philistine leaders discourage their king from allowing David to fight in their ranks in the upcoming battle. David is dismissed; and is even thanked for his faithful service to the nation of Philistia. How curious are God's ways!

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