Saturday, April 19

2 Samuel 6 - 8

David continues establishing his kingdom and rule over Israel. One important factor was the ark of the covenant - once lost to the Philistines, now back in Israel's borders. It needed to be in a central place so that worship could be enjoyed by the entire nation. David begins returning the symbol of God's presence to the capital city. However, when those transporting it use inappropriate means and methods, God strikes them dead. Eventually, David brings the ark inside the walls of Jerusalem.

David's next concern is for a permanent place of worship - a house for God. God delivers a message to the king that He will establish a house for the king; and that the king's son will build the house for God. David begins amassing the materials for this edifice.

The neighboring nations are subdued by David. The borders of the nation are increasing, the enemies are being defeated. God's name is being upheld and His way is being followed. As a result, great blessing is enjoyed by the nation.

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