Monday, April 21

2 Samuel 12 - 13

David is confronted with his sin by the prophet Nathan. David makes the statement that the sin should be repaid 4-fold. God accepts his repentant heart and David is restored in his relationship with God. His family, however, feels the effects of their father's sin.

The baby conceived in this adulterous relationship dies. Yet, out of this tragedy, God raises up another son - Solomon - whom we shall hear more about later.

Another son of David (Amnon) commits incest with his half-sister. This gross immorality is not addressed by the king; but is carefully noted by the sister's brother, Absolom.

Absolom exacts revenge on his half-brother Amnon some 3 years later by having him murdered. Absolom flees from his father's presence and spends the rest of his life as a prince in exile - although his father longs to see him and be restored.

The consequences of sin are dire indeed. The one who believes his sin only affects himself is sorely mistaken.

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