Friday, April 4

Ruth 1 - 4

The book of Ruth takes place during the same time period as that of the book of Judges. Many point to the theme of loyalty in this short account; but today I would like to highlight the rest and provision that is found in these four chapters.

Naomi and her family leave Israel for Moab in order to find relief from a famine. Naomi urges her widowed daughters-in-law to remain in Moab so that they might find rest. Boaz is blessed for the provision he makes for Naomi and her family. Ruth is urged to pursue Boaz as her redeemer so that she might enjoy rest. When Boaz is approached, Naomi states that he will not rest until the matter is settled. After Boaz and Ruth marry and have a child, the citizens praise God for giving rest to Naomi in her old age.

A curious thing, this concept of "rest." In the midst of famine, turmoil, uncertainty and intrigue rest is possible. It is possible because of its source. Throughout the book of Ruth, the source of rest is seen to be God Almighty - the One Who provides the needed grain, the sought for comfort, the anticipated redemption, the desired progeny. This weekend, whatever activity you have planned, may God Almighty bless you with His presence and may you know His rest.

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