Tuesday, February 16

Numbers 11 - 13

The journey of the Hebrews was filled with wonderful provisions from the Lord.  Yet, there were still those who complained that all was not to their liking.  Some remembered the foods of Egypt and longed for what they considered to be "better provisions" than what God had given.  God provided for them, yet punished them for not trusting His supply.

The complaints also came from others in leadership.  Moses' siblings spoke out against his leadership; God promptly cursed Miriam with leprosy.  Moses prayed for her healing and restoration - what an example of how to treat those who mistreat you!

Men were also sent to perform a reconnaissance mission on the land of Canaan.  The reports brought back spoke of a land that was plenteous in what it could provide materially.  Many of the spies reported formidable enemies in the land and suggested that the small band of Hebrews would be easily defeated.  Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, spoke of how the Lord would provide for even the defeat of these impressive enemies.  The nation was faced with a choice.

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